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Tess C

Tess C is from Kenya. In 2019 Tess found out she was pregnant and had an abortion. At the time she was 27 years old.

  • Drawing illustrating a woman.
    OTALT/Helene Karlsson

This story is collected by a feminist organization based in Kenya called TICAH (Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health). They run a safe abortion hotline, Aunty Jane Hotline. They collect stories from the women who call or from community women who have accessed abortion services from TICAH's network of healthcare providers.

Abortion should be legalized mainly because there are types of pregnancies that require termination.

Tess C

Tess C's story

Being a mother of two, single and unemployed, at 27 years of age Tess found herself pregnant. She debated for a long time on whether to keep the pregnancy or to terminate it, but at four months along she decided to have an abortion. 

Because she did not have the right information and did not come across the right people to help her have a safe abortion, Tess decided to go to a quack doctor in the community who gave her a concoction to take. 

Her friends and family were disappointed by her decision. They decided to stigmatize her and push her aside during that period. 

After the abortion

After some time, Tess decided to start a community project that supports young girls who have faced rejection and have family problems. 

Tess says that abortion should be legalized mainly because there are types of pregnancies that require termination.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
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